Gazing at lights tops the list of Spencer's favorite activities so we went with our good friends Kerry and David and their two adorable girls Sydney and Isabel to the zoo lights. Even though we arrived at a time when Spencer usually falls asleep, he had a great time looking at the lights. Mom enjoyed playing around with her camera to get these nighttime pics of the gang! We thought you would also enjoy a few shots of Spency in his new snowsuit. We figured you can't be a hip four-month old in Colorado without a snowsuit and mittens!
The story of Jon, Spencer, Shoshana and Barkley (and a few tales of running 26.2 miles)
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Gazing at lights tops the list of Spencer's favorite activities so we went with our good friends Kerry and David and their two adorable girls Sydney and Isabel to the zoo lights. Even though we arrived at a time when Spencer usually falls asleep, he had a great time looking at the lights. Mom enjoyed playing around with her camera to get these nighttime pics of the gang! We thought you would also enjoy a few shots of Spency in his new snowsuit. We figured you can't be a hip four-month old in Colorado without a snowsuit and mittens!
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
The Best Holiday Gift Ever!

Happy holidays!
We have had such a great long weekend hanging out with Spencer. We pretty much didn't leave our house (other than to buy Jon a new 3-wood for Xmas!) and while we missed spending the holidya with all of our oiur-of-state families we enjoyed the rare time together.
Spencer had a month of many firsts - he now laughs the most adorable little giggle (sounds a bit like a dolphin), he rolls over, sits up (almost), holds onto a rattle and other toys, and he has just seemed to grow from a newborn to an interactive baby. We also took Spencer swimming twice - and he's a natural!
We received our first holiday gifts from Spencer. At his daycare he made us a handprint on a star cutout, and he also made a snowman portrait using his feet (on a blue piece of paper his teachers put white paint on his little tootsies and the upside down footprint are two snowmen!). What talent!
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Happy December!

Yesterday we also had for the first time a babysitter for Spencer. Jon and I went out to dinner and then stopped at a local coffee shop where we watched local music. Even though we go out to dinner every Friday, it was different having time with just two of us - we really enjoyed the time together. I had just driven back from a meeting Colorado Springs and it snowed the whole way back - I didn't get back to Denver until about 6:00 and Jon was showing our babysitter Tiffany around the house. By the time we got to dinner I was ready for a glass of wine and a fun date with Jon!
I am off to a personal training session at the gym (need a little boost to lose those last few pregnancy lbs!) and then we're going to enjoy the afternoon together as a family. We're meeting up with friends tonight who have a little girl 5 days younger than Spencer...future prom date?
Have a great weekend.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
First Day of School!

Spencer successfully completed his first three days of school. He loves his teachers, Ms. Catherine and Ms. Valerie, and they seem to really like Spencer. He has three other kids in his class - Lyric (a boy, the same age as Spencer), Reese (a girl around 6 months old) and Max (also six months). Spencer's teachers are impressed with how much he can hold his head up and how often he smiles!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Visit from Spencer's NY Family

Spencer starts school (aka daycare) this Monday. He met his new friends and teachers, Ms. Catherine and Ms. Valerie, who both look forward to Spencer joining their class. Right now there are only three other kids in the Infant one room (usually there are eight total) so Spencer will get a lot of attention! This works out well since lately Spencer decided he likes constant attention from mom and dad - he gets a little grumpy if we put him in his bouncy chair and don't stay and talk with him.
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. We missed all of our families but we enjoyed staying in Denver and spending time with Spencer. It seems like life moves so quickly and Jon and I do not get a lot of time with just the three of us (and Barkley!). Yesterday we enjoyed the gloomy day here by cleaning our house - Jon found a mouse in our pantry so we had to do a major cleaning job. Today it is finally sunny (although not particularly warm) so we are getting ready for a walk in the park.
Have a great weekend!
Thursday, November 08, 2007
Two Months Old - New Stats!!

We had Spencer's two month doctor visit on Monday with Dr. Spero. Spencer weighed in at 11 lbs, 1 oz and is 23-3/4 inches long. He's in the 75th percentile for height and 40th percentile for weight. He is right on target physically and after Spencer chit-chatted with Dr. Spero - showing off his smiles and a-goos - we learned he's at about a 4 month old in terms of forming sounds. Way to go, Spencer!! As for as mom's favorite topic...sleep...he's still sleeping through the night so I'm a very happy camper.
We're getting ready for a big weekend here - Spencer is going to meet his uncle Stuey, Aunt Lindsay, and cousins Kayli and Simon for the first time. We're so excited!!
Inspired by the Anne Geddes photography book I just purchased and the photography class I take tonight, I tried my hand at a few black and whites. Enjoy the pictures!!
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