The story of Jon, Spencer, Shoshana and Barkley (and a few tales of running 26.2 miles)
Last Friday we had Spencer's 10 day pediatrician visit, including the big weigh-in where we found out that he now more than exceeds his birth weight (he was born at 7 lbs, 7 oz and as of Friday weighed in at 7 lbs, 10 oz...and we didn't even stuff his diaper with rocks!!). He had until two weeks from his birthday to get back to his birthweight, so Jon and I reveled in his success and celebrated with another post-doctor Starbucks latte!
Because of his weight gain we could now go through the night without waking him up. Spencer has so far slept for about 5 hours at a time at night...a nice treat for his tired mom and dad! During the day we can also spread out his feedings, but he seems to still like eating about every three hours. I am still nursing and that seems to get a little easier each day - and it's so nice knowing he's getting plenty of food. Spence had a tough day on Saturday and we couldn't seem to figure out why he was so fussy, but we think he may have had a little growth spurt and needed to eat every hour or two. Poor mom!!!
The rest of the weekend went pretty well for all of us. We took Spencer for two long walks in the park near us and then hit the bagel store and the local coffee shop. On Saturday Spencer joined his dad for college gameday...go Big Red...and yesterday he watched his second Broncos game.
As you can see from the pictures, Spencer had his first bath. Jon and I found the adventure quite comical although Spence did not share in our humor!
Today is the first day I am alone with the boys...Spencer is sitting right now in his bouncy chair and Barkley is pouting on the couch, wishing the rain would stop so we could go outside for a walk. Maybe we'll all just nap instead!!