We had Spencer's two month doctor visit on Monday with Dr. Spero. Spencer weighed in at 11 lbs, 1 oz and is 23-3/4 inches long. He's in the 75th percentile for height and 40th percentile for weight. He is right on target physically and after Spencer chit-chatted with Dr. Spero - showing off his smiles and a-goos - we learned he's at about a 4 month old in terms of forming sounds. Way to go, Spencer!! As for as mom's favorite topic...sleep...he's still sleeping through the night so I'm a very happy camper.
We're getting ready for a big weekend here - Spencer is going to meet his uncle Stuey, Aunt Lindsay, and cousins Kayli and Simon for the first time. We're so excited!!
Inspired by the Anne Geddes photography book I just purchased and the photography class I take tonight, I tried my hand at a few black and whites. Enjoy the pictures!!