I made an attempt at Elmo cupcakes for Spence's school. I think they ended up looking part Elmo, part alien but the kids at school recognized them as Elmo!

I spent some time at Spencer's class...the kids ate cupcakes and then were really fun to hang with. The girls gave Spencer hugs, then they all sat around and read, made a train out of their chairs, and Spencer found the broom and swept the floor!
Spencer loves his birthday present from my parents - a new chair to hang and watch his tv - a new hobby! Here he sits this morning with his favorite friends - his stuffed puppy, blanket and a broom - as he watches Little Einstein.
We can't believe our little boy turned two yesterday. Jon and I celebrated by taking him out for sushi (which, believe it or not, he enjoys (sans fish)). We went to our favorite little spot and sat on the patio - one of our favorite things to do here in the summer. The ladies there are always so sweet to Spencer and they brought out cake and ice cream and sang happy birthday! By this time in the day he had a lot of birthday serenades so he started catching on to the birthday song. We have one more party for him next weekend with a few friends (we're teaming up with our neighbor whose girl also turns two this week). Lots of celebrating for our special boy!