Spencer likes to put on my running sneakers and ipod after I get back from a morning run. "mommy running...mommy ipod....mommy sneakers"

My parents had a great time hanging with us last weekend. Spencer now definitely remembers his grandma and papa and jumps right into the action with them (and my parents sure do love keeping him busy!). On Friday when Jon and I had to work, Spencer went to the store and got a new fire truck (called a pire truck...he's sitll working on f's). We spent Saturday running around town and Spencer got a a new pair of snow boots (finally) and we had a really nice dinner Saturday night. (Thanks again mom & dad.)
My parents also got to see our favorite new morning activity...milk by the pire-place (fireplace). Morning has always been my favorite time of day and I love spencing the mornings with my little boy. Now that it's cooler outside Spencer likes to see the "pireplace pop". We have our milk/coffee by the fireplace and we have a little morning coffee talk. What a way to start the day.