Spencer had his first sledding experience yesterday. We went with our good friends and neighbors Andrea, Sander and Kaia. The kids couldn't stop laughing and the adults had just as much fun....in fact we're getting ready to go again today!
We started the day with Spencer opening his holiday gifts. Thanks everyone...he loved all of his new toys, books and clothes!

No holiday is complete in our house without a big breakfast. Here I am making stuffed pancakes with a cooking toy from my parents.

And finally a few pictures from Thanksgiving. We started our day running the Turkey Trot in the park by our house. It was a beautiful day and there were many thousands of people - we had so much fun we think it might become a new family tradition. We ran the whole 4 miles as a family which worked out well this year since Jon hadn't run in awhile...my very slow pregnant pace didn't seem to bother him!! Then we had a really nice dinner with Andrea, Sander and Kaia and Andrea's family.