With so much to catch up on I decided to make this post in reverse chronological order...starting with this past Wednesday's snow storm that kept all of us home. I think we had somewhere around a foot of snow but within a few minutes of the snow stopping to fall the sun came out and it started melting. The first set of pictures I took in the morning when Spencer and I played outside...you can see he's all bundled up. In the afternoon he and Jon constructed a beautiful snowman in the sunshine. Then I went out to dinner with a few girlfriends and by then the roads were clear and the wine was flowing!
Earlier in the week I took baby Shoshana to her eight week doctor visit. She grew to a whopping 9 lbs 6 oz which moves her from about the 10th percentile in weight to the 20th. She is still a little peanut at 21 inches (Spencer was 21.5" at birth) but with grandpa Kenny's height in her genes she may sprout up soon! All else at the doctor went well but that night - after getting her first round of shots - she had her first fever and was super grouchy...a good excuse to hold her all night!
We are so lucky that Spencer and Shoshana have grandparents that love spending time with all of us. Here are some pictures from Jon's parents visiting from South Dakota several weeks ago.
And here are a few pictures from my parents visit with the kids. They came when Shoshana was about three weeks old.
Spencer took this picture...he is now obsessed with my camera.
Daddy's little girl...
...and here is our amazing little boy who just celebrated his 2-1/2 birthday. What a blast we have hanging out with him. This weekend Spencer helped Jon in the garden, we hung out in the playground and he flirted with our friends' older girls, he watched "Toy Story" - a movie Jon and I watched together in 1996 (or thereabouts) and we wandered around outside enjoying the beautiful weather. We couldn't ask for a better big brother!