If you jump back to last year's Vail blog posting you can see Spencer running around in the same fountain (maybe my really smart friend Amy can do one of those hyper links to get you there...amy...help). Here's a few differences from last year to this year - 1. Instead of him wearing jean shorts and walking around Vail Village after getting soaked he sports a Lightning McQueen swimsuit and about 1% bodyfat. 2. He has two front teeth missing. He fell a few weeks ago and that nasty accident resulted in these teeth getting pulled. He's a trooper and they are finally healing.
Other fun trip highlights captured below -
1. Shoshi had her first few servings of rice cereal. That always makes for cute pics.
2. We bought her a very cute pink flower hat, which also makes for cute (and thankfully cleaner) pictures than the rice cereal faces. Ironically last year at the same store I saw the same cute girlie clothes - it was a few days before finding out I was preggo - must have been good karma.
3. We met up with my friend and former co-worker Rachel who now lives in Vail.
While the weekend was great, it ended on several down notes. A friend from high school ended his life in a very terrible way. While I hadn't seen him in years it was real sad news. It brought back good memories of Syosset High School and friends from long ago (and refound friends thanks to facebook). You will be missed, Vic.
And to memorialize the final (and very icky) memory of our trip, we got home Monday night and all of us promptly came down with a stomach virus which was easily traced back to the infant one room at the kids' daycare (all the parents and teachers in that room had the same quick and nasty virus). We're all re-hydrated and feeling better but I could think of better ways to end a vacation.
Back to happy memories...enjoy the pictures.

I realized it's been way too long since I had some very cute bathtub pics...