My parents made it into Denver Saturday afternoon. They could not get over how much the kids changed since our last visit (the marathon, Oct 31). We just hung around with them and Jon and I got to sneak off and get a couples massage yesterday afternoon and then run a couple of fun errands (like getting the camera!).
Before mom and dad got in I got to run with my group Saturday morning. This week's run was a beautiful and hilly one - 14 miles that gained just under 1,000 feet of elevation. I felt strong and had a great time. I came home, showered, hung with the kids, folded some laundry and then headed to the airport. We went out to dinner that night (to Houston's, one of our new faves) and had sushi, a burger and a glass of wine, and then I fell asleep by 8:30!
Jon and I (and the new point and shoot) are off to Vail for a night while my parents hang with the kids. Happy Monday!