Playing in my saucer with mom
Everything goes in the mouth!!!
Every day presents us with a new milestone. Spencer officially started teething, which means lots and lots of drool and every object within his reach goes right into his mouth! His teething combined with a cough, resulting in inadequate amounts of sleep for Jon and I the past week or two (and of course we both got sick along with Spencer). But we all seem on the mend, although the teeth may take some time to pop through his little gummy smile!
As for us, we officially started our kitchen remodel. We ordered appliances and just about finalized our plan for cabinets. We will tear down a wall between our kitchen and dining room, add new lighting, and counters...we cannot wait to get moving on the project. What a great excuse to not have to cook for a month or so!
Hi to Mr. Drooley-Puss!
I think he is anxious because tomorrow is the parent -teacher meeting and he doesn't know what the teacher will say. Grandpa Kenny is coming after her if she dares say anything bad!!!
Robyn- if you are my daughter, you don't need an excuse to not cook.
As always, we love the pictures and can't wait to see the little guy---21 days---but who is counting?
granny and grandpa
Wow that's some excer-saucer. Who built that?
Try a frozen mini-bagel for the teething, Simon liked them.
Robyn and Jon,
He is so ridiculously adorable! He reminds me of Liam too - bald little boys. We may be right behind you with the teething, as Liam's drooling has started to increase and he is just starting to bring things to his mouth...still lacks a little coordination to do it well :). We are hoping to make it to Denver at the end of March/early April and can't wait to get the boys together!
-Allison and Brian
Robyn & Jon -
He is just such a cute little dude -- and he is getting so big!!! Chris & I are both completely jealous of his sleeping habits.....on a good day our kids never slept that well!!! Hang in there with the teething --- it's a long road, and baby Tylenol is your friend.
We're hoping to make it out to Denver sometime soon -- our maybe we can tempt you to head to MN and the 45 below wind chill!!
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