And here's a shot of one of my best care packages ever from my cousin Steve (other than the pringels, squeeze cheese and teen bop magazine from my parents in sleep away camp). He leads an advertising group that works for Chap Stick - one of the greatest inventions ever and forever an obsession of mine!
1 comment:
Spencer is getting so big and grown up! Can't believe he is three. If anyone could look cute missing his two front teeth, it is Spencey! We can't get enough of seeing their pictures. Love those arms and eyes on Shoshy! It was great spending a week together--- We must say how proud we are of Robyn and her perseverance and of Jon for always "holding down the fort" while the mommy is running. Good luck, Robyn! Can't wait to see the group in DC. Hugs, NY Grand ma and Papa
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