My parents came in to visit last weekend. After what I planned to have as a well orchestrated travel schedule (which for anyone who ever travels knows how rarely travel goes as planned) we had less than 48 hours with my folks. Their flight should have landed at the same time as mine on Friday morning (I had to visit a client on the west part of the state) and then we had a planned lunch, pedis and a quick trip to Nordstrom before the kids woke up from their naps at daycare. But their flight got cancelled and Nordstrom had to wait until Saturday!
Saturday morning I volunteered at a 5k race called Girls on the Run. The organization trains girls in grades three through eight for their first 5k. They meet twice weekly and learn about nutrition, self esteem, and all the other great things related to running. Along with a few of my running buddies, we ran the race with the girls and helped them to the finish. My dad went early with me to help setup and meet some of my friends and then my mom, Jon and the kids met us for the run and to hang out after.
One of the best parts of the morning is that next year I may have my own running mom! She was inspired to incorporate some running into her walks so she can be ready for next year's 5k! Go mom!
Then we were off to the zoo (which is part of the park we were at), then frozen yogurt (my fave), then the kids took a nap and my mom and I went to Nordstrom for some girl time and much needed swimsuit shopping (and few other fun purchases including a very cute pair of sandals I've worn about every day this week!). Then we were off for dinner and then...well...I barely made it to bed before the kids! Sunday was also fun but we had to take my folks back to the airport. What a fun trip!
Here's the gang cheering at the run |
Me and one of my running buddies Jenny cheering on a very adorable little girl to the finish line |
Victory!!!! (I like these 5ks...usually I'm not this perky at the finish line!) |
Me and Jenny and my favorite little runner |
Dad and Spencer working on an erector set together |
Next activity...the zoo. Shoshi decided she loved the big geese and chased after them. Here she is telling my dad that the signs that say "don't chase the geese" don't apply to cute little girls! |
She even loved the sign with the picture of the goose that said to keep away from the babies! |
And here's Shoshi pointing at the goose. She sure loved those birds! |
Spencer has become a terrific balance bike rider (the bike has no pedals). He can go several miles and likes to hop on it as soon as we get home at night. |
hi mr. and mrs. E! you guys look great!!! sounds like you had a fun visit. several of our friends' kids just ran their girls on the run 5K and loved it. i think it's great that you help with that!
and what the heck is a balance bike?? i've never heard of that before!
A toast to the Moores---wonderful parents, wonderful host/hostess! What can we say about Spencey and Shoshi---they get cuter and cuter- Grandma C. is going to have a lot of trouble following in Robyn's footsteps! She is an inspiration to all of us and anyone who says you can't have it all---kids, jobs, workouts, should take a lesson from her! Thanks, Robyn and Jon, for saying I had "good form" when I ran! I would love to run with Robyn next year (OK, walk a little!!!) If the race doesn't happen we can always run around Nordstrom's!!!
Hugs, NY G and P
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