Monday, July 04, 2011

Happy July 4th!

Happy July 4th!

We just put our exhausted kids to sleep and I can't believe our long weekend is just about over. It came at a perfect time - last week was a tiring one for me at work and last Saturday I hurt my foot running so I was ready for some nice relaxation.

We kicked off the weekend Friday night at our pool and then returned there Saturday after a tough crossfit workout and then back again Sunday after another crossfit workout and then the bike parade today and another round of pool. Lots of swimming. We joined a pool club this summer and know a good number of families who have kids Spencer's age so we have an amazing time there. Thankfully they also serve food (and the best part for me is they provide towels!) so we don't have to come home to extra loads of wet towels to wash.

Spencer officially can swim by himself (not far...about 15 yards or so). He loves jumping off the diving board and fishing off the dock (there's also a lake at the club). Shoshi is also a fish and she learned to sit on the side and jump in. With the weather really hot we felt really luck for both the pool and our air conditioning this weekend!

1 comment:

ny mom and dad said...

Happy official start to the summer! As usual, everyone looks cute and adorable---even Shoshy and Spencer!!!! How can Spencer be anything but a top notch athlete with those genes. Looked like a fun parade. Glad you are enjoying your club. Can't wait to see you all in NY!
Hugs n' kisses,
ny g and p