Sunday, August 28, 2011

Party time...

Spencer turns four next week and to celebrate we had his buddies hang out at our pool for a birthday party. We all had a blast. A bunch of his preschool buddies and their families came which for us is so much fun, as we have known them now for about four years. We have had great weather this summer (even today, while the rest of my family waited it out through hurricane Irene) and today was no exception (thankfully, as I had no back-up plan). Here's a few pics from the day.

Hanging out before the party

Shoshi follows everything that her big brother does

Spency and some of his buds hanging out in the lake

Pirate themed cupcake cakes

Singing happy birthday!

Spencer and one of his best buds, Emma. They have known each other since they were 3 months old.

Shoshi ate about three cupcakes.

Our good friends Brian and Shelly

In other news, I am finally back running after my injury hiatus. I ran a really great 10 miles on Saturday with my group. It was a trail run that gained about 1,000 feet of elevation. We start on Saturday at 6am as the sun was rising. This run had mountain views and great views of the city and it was so much fun catching up with some friends I hadn't seen in a couple of months. What a way to start the weekend. I was back home nice and early (the benefit of getting up at 4:30am!) so we hit the pool on Saturday before Spencer had a birthday party (and Shoshi and I came back to nap!). We had a babysitter bail on us so we had a fun family date night at a local mexican restaurant.

Now it's off to finish some work before the week starts. Have a great week!


ny mom and dad said...

Happy almost birthday, Spencer-looks like a great party. I think Shoshi is going to need Weight Watchers after eating 3 cupcakes! We are thinking of you, Spencer , and wish you a happy, hapy birthday!

Love and hugs,
Grandma and Papa

SpencerMoore said...

Wow!! It looks like Spencer had quite a party!!
We loved seeing all of you last wk.!
SD Grandma and Grandpa