Wednesday, April 28, 2010


First - here are a few pictures of Shoshi who is now 13 weeks (although these pictures are about two weeks old). She smiles & giggles all the time and started sleeping through the night (although regressed in that area the past few days).

Now onto our visit with my brother Stu and our nephew Simon. It was so much fun for us to see the boys together - and great to hang with Stu (although we missed you Lindsay and Kayli).

This picture of Simon and Spencer reminds me of the family (or infamous?) photo of Stu and I affectionaly referred to as "hug or headlock?".
We didn't have too much time to lament Stu and Simon leaving us because three days later we had another brotherly visit - Jon's brother Charlie and his girlfriend Amanda.
In all, a very fun two weeks for us.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


My parents coming to town kicked off the first of several family visits - my brother, Stu and 4-year old nephew Simon and then Jon's brother Charlie and his girlfriend Amanda. Pictures of those visits coming soon.