Sunday, January 29, 2012

Happy 2nd birthday!

Happy second birthday to our sweet girl.

Here's how she celebrated -

1. A new elmo hoodie from her Uncle Stu, Aunt Lindsay and counsins Kay and Simon.

2. Elmo cupcakes for her class that me and Spency made together. They looked part alien, part Elmo, but the toddlers somehow deciphered Elmo.

3. Elmo cupcake cake for her party this past friday night. More on the party, below.

4. Elmo jammies from her grandpa Lewie and grandma Linda.

5. Other super cool gifts from my parents, Uncle Arthur (Shoshi's birthday buddy) and Aunt Jan and a few friends. We're still excited to skype and have Shoshi open her gift while Jon's mom and dad in S. Dakota are watching!

6. Elmo plates, party hats, etc.

Note the theme...the girl loves elmo. And cupcakes. And we love her...and can't believe she's two. Where does the time go? From adorable snuggly baby to awesome little toddler that bosses us all around!

The weekend started with a friday trip to the doctor for her two year visit. Other than Shoshi screaming bloody murder from the moment they called her name (she was fine for the hour me, Spencer and Shoshi waited in the waiting room) she was great. She's a little peanut, at about 15th percentile. But she's perfect.

Friday night we had a bowling party. Less for Shoshi than for Jon and I and our friends and Spency and his buds...but Shoshi still had a blast. We bowled at the same club the kids go to daycare which made my party planning super easy. They provided the bartender (happy hour...couldn't do without a glass of wine or two) and pizza which was especially awesome for me since Jon and I are on a ridiculous 30-day "paleo diet" with no breads, grains, other words...we eat like our paleo ancestors...protein, fruit, veggies, nuts. Not wonderful choices if you're the carb queen like me...but it did make that piece of pizza taste wonderful.

Here's a few pics...

Take a look at Spency's smile. Next week at this time he'll have new front teeth!

Yup....there's Elmo.
Daddy's little girl!

Look...cute (ha!) bowling shoes.

Me and the girls. That's Shelly, Consuelo, me and Jeannene.

Shoshi's first boyfriend, Matteo!

Teo trying to hold Shoshi's hand!
The rest of our weekend was fast and fun. I ran 8 miles in absolutley frigid temperatures that I was slightly unprepared for...then ran to my favorite store for 70% off!...then Jon and I brought the kids to crossfit and did a ridiculous workout with like a million burpees which made my head spin after insufficient carbs and my freezing cold run. We all napped and then went to the aquarium after dinner. Today we took the kids to the zoo and then I ran off for a much needed pedi. The kids are finally asleep and I'm about to put our paleo groceries (ughhh...still 3 more weeks left of this crazy eating) and then off to bed for an early monday run and then work!

Have a great week.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Thanks to Amy...

I just got off the phone with Amy ( of my favorite people in the whole world who came to visit (FINALLY) and I blogged about it here) -

Amy is a fellow blogger (and a much more creative person in general so it's easy to be inspired) and we talked about blogging which led to this Amy...this ramblingness is for you! Check out Amy's awsesome blog here...

...and while you're at it...feel free to order some cookies from her. She's AMAZING!!! (You can see some of her cookies on her blog...keep scrolling down...or you can stalk her and become her facebook friend!). back to our marginally entertaining life.

Today was a big favorite for Denverites...the stock show. Lots of cowboy hats and big animals I can't identify. The best part is we can break out Spencer's cowboy hat that we bought two years ago (which as we reminded ourselves today was the day before I delivered Shoshi).

Today we added to the stock show excitement by buying Shoshi a pink cowboy hat. Here's a picture of the kids in their hats...clearly not totally thrilled about the whole experience (for the record...this was on the tractor ride back to our car which was about 2 hours past Shosh's naptime).

Me and my little urban cowgirl

Our little city slicker!

This was really fun...Spencer and Shoshi went on the train together at the stock show.
The little girl here is the daughter of the very awesome lady that cleans our house who we randomly saw today.

It wasn't all took Shosh a few minutes to warm up to the train.

The best part of the stockshow...Shoshi conked out the minute we got into the car.
I added the hat for a more humorous picture!

It's hard to believe it's Sunday night...although thankfully I have tomorrow off. Yesterday I started the day with a run and then we did a crossfit workout (nothing like 120 squats, 90 pull ups and push ups and some other torture I'm conveniently forgetting as a kick off to the weekend). Last night we hung out with our friends next door to watch the Broncos get pummeled by the Patriots. Fun times despite the loss.

In other news, Shoshi turns two on Jan 26. Crazy. Here she is with her favorite new Elmo sweatshirt (thanks to Brooke and Link...their youngest (as of now) is freaked out by Elmo whereas Shoshi is obsessed. She wouldn't take the fleece off all day at school.

Big news for Spencer...he's getting new teeth. If your recall, he knocked them out about two years ago. He sitll has several more years until getting his front two adult teeth. He seemed to really want teeth and he was super calm when they took his impressions last week. Stay tuned for pics!