Sunday, November 08, 2009

Granparents, pumpkins and a little dinosaur

Jon's parents Lewie and Linda came up from Texas last week to stay with us and help us celebrate Halloween. Spencer had a really fun Halloween - we started the afternoon across the street at our neighbors who had a great party for the kids. Then me, Spencer and our friend Andrea and her daughter Kaia stopped by another friend's house (that's the picture of the four kids on the couch) and Spencer hung out with a bunch of little buddies.

When we came home from the parties we had a little pumpkin carving party and then Spencer, Kaia and a bunch of other neighbors went out for their first trick-or-treating. What a blast! It took only one house before Spence figured out the game and each house he held his Thomas the Train trick or treating bucket out with more confidence. The next day we went with Lewie and Linda to the zoo - they had a a little trick or treating at the zoo with local businesses that set up little candy stands for the kids.

Several weeks before Halloween we met our good friends Denise and Leo and their daughters Ella and Ava at the pumpkin patch. We were pleasantly surprised to also find a little festival going on at the pumpkin patch, and Spencer had fun with the little pumpkin activities.


ny mom and dad said...

Does this boy ever take a bad picture???
Where is the mommy? (besides taking the pictures.)
Looks like everyone had a fun time. I think Spencer gets taller and more grown-up looking in every picture.Love that boy!!! :)

NY g and p

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