Friday, October 21, 2011

Pumpkins and 13.1

We had our annual pumpkin picking trip last are a few pics. Spencer went on his second annual barrel train ride and Shoshi follows in her mom's footsteps with a love of kettle corn.

What is most amazing about the pictures is to compare the kids at the same patch last year:

And 2009 (scroll down to the pumpkin patch pics):

And 2008 (scroll down):

I am spending today (Friday) with Spencer...after a long week of work and barely seeing the kids it's fun to hang out with him (and Shoshi for most of the morning). Next week I am headed to NY for a few days of work and then spending Friday night with my family. It's always sad for me to not be home at night or in the morning but if there's a spot to travel to, I'm always up for a NY trip!

Tomorrow morning is my first 20-miler of this season's marathon training. Several weeks ago I ran what has become my favorite 1/2 marathon - the Denver Rock-n-Roll. I had a goal of finishing under 2 hours and came in at 1:59. Hooray! I thought I fell a little behind pace but realized with just over a mile to go that I could come in at my goal so my last mile or so (thankfully downhill) was nice and quick (for me). It's a really cool course that goes downtown and around a few local parks. Anyone want to join me next year?

We are headed tonight to the "spooktacular" where the kids go to daycare. Then it's another fun weekend ahead. It's a beautiful time of year here with the weather still close to 80 degrees and the trees changing color.

Have a great weekend!

Shoshi has fallen in love with Elmo ("Melmo")

For some reason the kids won't take a picture together. Go figure.

Here's Spencer on the jumpy pillow

I love this series of pictures

Spencer on the barrel train

Just chillin'

1 comment:

ny mom and dad said...

It's so great to see how big the kids have grown---and you guys look better each year!

Can't wait to see the cuties in person.

Great job, Robyn , on the 20 mile run! thank goodness you didn't inherit mom and dad's love of exercising!!!
NY G and P
Great to see the family-Congrats to Chris and his new bride-great to see everyone-