Sunday, November 06, 2011

What a weekend!

This weekend started a little early for me. Knowing we had a lot going on I decided to run my last long run (which ended up just about 19 miles) Friday morning. It worked out great (as far as running for 3+ hours goes)...a few friends met me in the park for about six miles and then I met up with a few other friends (with one overlap) for the rest. We hit just about every park in Denver. Then I sat in an ice bath for about 10 minutes, showered and went to a lunch meeting (I couldn't get out of all my work obligations!). By Friday night I felt pretty good and after I picked up the kids I took them to buy a few new movies (a spur of the moment inspiration). We bought Cars 2, an old smurf movie, care bears (Shoshi's new fave) and Elmo gives up his pacifier...a pretty funny story that clearly hasn't sunk in yet. Driving home I realized that after burning over 2,200 calories on my run and barely eating one meal a few hours before I was ready to eat my arm I did a Wendy's drive through ( tasted so good) for a classy meal at home (yes...complete with frosty...I figured I deserved it!).

Saturday was an awesome day with a visit from one of my college roomies Amy and her husband, Gerard - in from Michigan (soon to be Memphis). We took them (and our kids...theirs stayed home) to brunch (a new spot right by our house that I think is a new fave of mine) and then the boys stayed home and watched football and me and Amy did what girls do best when getting together...shopped! It was so much fun catching up but of course we missed our other of these days we'll all hook up somewhere. We've only been trying to plan for what...five years or so?

Here's a few pics...

Today was a bit less relaxing but still fun. Jon worked in the morning, I took the kids (in the double jogger that had no air in the tires) up to the park. Jon picked us up and we all went to Crossfit. Then the fury of house cleaning began. I'll spare the details, but it was a necessary organization/clean up.

In the midst of everything I got inspired to put Shoshi on the potty (despite our wishes she doesn't seem to love it yet). Instead she decided to run around without her pants but with Jon's oversized halloween glasses. Of course I needed to capture that moment...

Off to get ready for the week and then on Friday we have some very special visitors....

2 comments: said...

Looks like girl time to me!!
So cute! Shoshana's hair is getting so long. Good luck with the potty thing.
See you soon!
Love, G'ma and G'pa from SD

Amy the Cookie Lady said...

it was so nice to see you guys and finally meet the kiddos in person! we'll have to do it again sometime soon!